ISM-Central Florida, Inc.

A Chapter of the Institute for Supply Management working together to advance the profession of supply management.

Central Florida's Leading Supply Chain Management Professionals 

ISM—Central Florida is committed to the professional development of supply management practitioners through education and networking opportunities. Chapter membership represents a variety of sectors including hospitality, manufacturing, healthcare, and government.  You are invited to connect and network with your local supply chain colleagues through ISM—Central Florida’s networking and education events, and plant tours.

Upcoming Events




Chapter Meeting

ISM-Central Florida Accelerating your Procurement Digital Transformation

Dorian Evans and Nick Traboulay from Ivalua will discuss "Accelerating your Procurement Digital Transformation". Adoption and change management are critical to the success of any digital transformation. Employees and suppliers must embrace new systems and new ways of working if expected benefits and ROI are to be achieved. We will discuss the innovative and effective approach taken by customers and our own experiences, looking at issues such as:

§  Strategies to maximize user and supplier adoption

§  Considerations when replacing existing systems

§  Streamlining change management and adoption strategies through innovative technologies such as AI

Event Location: Tuscany Grill, 6630 Colonnade Ave., Melbourne, FL 32940

Sponsor: 070 ISM—Central Florida, Inc.
Tuscany Grill
Dorian Evans, Nick Traboulay




Member Only

Getting Started with Supply Chain Design

With FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) embroiling global supply chains, leaders must be proactive and intentional in assessing their supply chains and designing them for the future. But how to start? Ralph Asher of Data Driven Supply Chain LLC will discuss how to get started in supply chain design and answer common questions. This talk will equip organizations to embark on their supply chain design journey, future-proof their supply chains, and build competitive moats.

This session will dive into addressing the following questions:

  • How does supply chain design differ from supply chain planning and optimization?
  • What are some of the strategic questions that we can answer with supply chain design?
  • What data do we need to get started in supply chain design? (Hint: much less than you may think!)
  • How do we measure ROI in supply chain design projects?
  • Should we build an internal team or use consultants for supply chain design projects?
  • Commercial software vs. open-source software: what are the pros and cons for supply chain design?





Member Only

Quarterly State of Risk Update

Join the executive leaders from ISM and Resilinc as they come together as part of a quarterly series to discuss the latest and emerging risks and disruptions impacting global supply chains. ISM CEO Tom Derry and Resilinc CEO Bindiya Vakil will also provide insights based on respective data and research from both organizations.


The Path to ISM—Central Florida Revitalization is Underway!

It has been a few months since my last message and we are making some progress. You will soon see some new announcements about events and educational opportunities that we are offering to our members. Timing and effort are everything – and we are trying to be creative in our planning. We have been closely engaged with the Board of Directors for ASCM Space Coast. They are in the same boat as we are and we are collaborating to plan joint events across Central Florida from the Space Coast to Tampa. I’m sure you can imagine the challenges we face while planning and making sure we have great turnouts that members are interested in. So, I ask that you please be patient as we make these arrangements, as I’m sure you find these fun and enjoyable.

In the meantime, we are also working on sending out a survey to gain an understanding of what you, our members, are interested in getting from your ISM—CF membership. We want to make sure that you are getting what you want/need to continue to enhance your professional growth. When you see the survey, please take a few moments to respond – it’s the only way we can make sure we serve YOU.

As a reminder, here are your current ISM—Central Florida Board Members. As you can see, we still have some open positions. Please feel free to reach out to this group should you be interested in helping us revitalize the chapter and make us the best chapter in ISM!

  • President - Traci Nichols (Beltrees Consulting)
  • Vice President - Andy Singer (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society)
  • Treasurer - Chet Taff (Beltrees Consulting)
  • Director, Marketing & Communications - David Billingsley (City of Orlando)
  • Director, Membership – Ellery Triche (Envista)
  • Co-Directors, Education – Andy Singer (Temporary) & Ernie Hernandez (Primo Water North America)
  • Director, Professional Development - OPEN
  • Secretary -OPEN

Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming announcements about events, networking, and educational webinars, as we are continuing to lock down the calendar. I look forward to seeing all of you soon!

~Traci L Nichols

Supply Management News & Reports

Uncertainties and Unknowns — Again

January 15, 2025

More business-friendly policies are likely in 2025, but supply management organizations must contend with ‘significant wild cards,’ including many of the same dynamics that defined the first Trump administration.

Read More

Join ISM

Your membership in ISM will provide a powerful path to stay connected, engaged, and up-to-date with everything happening in supply management. Serious procurement and supply chain professionals are dedicated to staying in the know about their profession and staying at the top of their game. An ISM membership will provide you with that and more.

More than 100 years of experience speaks for itself – ISM can help you succeed. It's our mission.

Become A Member

ISM World 2025 Registration Open

Join your peers in Orlando, Florida, June 1-3, 2025. The ISM World Annual Conference is a world-class event designed to inspire fresh thinking and provide an educational experience that unites thought leaders, supply chain and procurement professionals, and the innovative suppliers that support them.

You'll leave with new connections, fresh insights, and the inspiration to spark new ideas within your professional community. Register today for the best rates!

Register Today

Join the Report On Business®  Survey Panel

ISM®'s Manufacturing, Services, and Hospital Report On Business® gather data monthly through surveys of supply management professionals participating in the Business Survey Committee.

Participation in the survey panel provides many benefits:

  • Receive a copy of the just-released Report On Business® graphical data
  • Directly see how your contribution affects the markets each month
  • Earn Continuing Education Hours

Click the link below to submit your information and someone will reach out to connect for a quick virtual call!

Join the Survey Panel